Sunday, July 15, 2012

7月16日から7月26日までお休みをいただいております。7月27日からオフィスに戻ります。ご迷惑をおかけしますが、不在中のメールでのお返事は遅れることがあります。お電話は7月27日にオフィスに戻ってきてからお返し致します。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Friday, December 16, 2011

The Gift of Self-Compassion

Did you know the following deceptively similar concepts - self-esteem, narcissism, and self-compassion - are different? I didn't.

There is a podcast interview w/ a psychologist, Dr Kristin Neff, on self-compassion. She talks about the differences among self-esteem, narcissism, and self-compassion and why self-compassion is important for our well-being. It is fascinating to see that self-compassion is different from self-indulgence or self-pity. It an act of being kind to ourselves without judgment. It is in a way the ultimate goal of psychotherapy. Well, at least, it is for me.

Below is an exchange between the interviewer and Kristin that I found pretty interesting re: the differences among the three.

David: So all of this raises the question as to how self-compassion differs from being narcissistically self-centered.

Kristin Neff: It differs in many ways. So, again, for one, narcissism is all about me. Self-compassion, although that term "self" is there kind of as the target of the compassion, it really is all about recognizing the shared human condition. Compassion, almost by definition, means to "suffer with." So you suffer with someone else or you suffer with yourself in the sense that you frame yourself as part of this larger human community. And it also, the way I define it, entails mindfulness, which is seeing things clearly as they are as opposed to getting lost in your own personal soap opera. So when you see things as they are, you don't get lost in self-pity and the story of "poor me," and you recognize this is the human condition, to be imperfect, then it's really actually not self-centered at all. So that's one way it's different from narcissism.

The interview is available in both audio and text at

Saturday, December 3, 2011

AEDPの創始者 ダイアナ フォーシャのインタビュー Interview with Diana Fosha available in Podcast

私が一番影響を受けている恩師であり、AEDPというセラピーモデルの創始者であるダイアナ フォーシャ 先生のインタビューがポッドキャストで聞けるようになりました!

My mentor and the founder of a therapy model, AEDP, Diana Fosha Ph.D., was recently interviewed by Mental and Somatic Perspectives. Her interview is posted at the AEDP's website, Diana answers questions, such as the theoretical background of AEDP, what AEDP stands for and means, and why AEDP focuses on affects in an eloquent and yet simple language. Hope you find it enjoyable!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

専門誌に論文が載りました。My published paper" Receiving Loving Gratitude"




My paper was published. the abstract is online @

If you are interested in reading the entire paper, feel free to email me. I am happy to send you the text!

When a patient earnestly expresses gratitude towards the therapist for the transformational therapeutic work, it oddly shakes up the therapist. The author argues that this may be because positive emotions are traditionally neglected both in the English speaking culture and the field of psychology. Y...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yoga for Mental Health: Info

My dear colleague, Elizabeth Plapinger, an experienced caring yoga teacher, is re-starting the fall yoga classes in the Chealsea area in Manhattan. I work with her at the hospital clinic, offering the Holistic Health and Wellness group to patients; it is a popular group thanks to her presence. Elizabeth is excellent in helping people slow down, stay with the body, and find resources within it. I highly recommend her yoga class!

Here is her flyer:
Dear old friends and new!

It's time for the fall classes of Yoga for Mental Wellness (YMW) at The Breathing Project to resume! Come explore how regular morning yoga jump starts your day!

Our fall session begins next week on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, September 13 and14, at 10:30 am. Please note that both our classes now begin at 10:30 am, giving folks a little more time to get to us. Our classes are by $5.00 donation or free.

YMW CLASSES are open to adults of any age or fitness level living with mental health challenges. Family members, care givers and mental health workers are also most welcome. Consistent attendance of at least at one class per week is encouraged!

PLACE: The Breathing Project, 15 W. 26th Street, 10th Floor, NY, NY 10010. The Breathing Project is located between 6th Avenue and Broadway, and is easily accessible by subway and buses.

WHY YOGA: Research and experience indicate that the regular practice of yoga can reduce depression, anxiety and stress, enhance mood and problem-solving abilities, improve strength and flexibility, lessen tiredness, and increase energy and alertness. Join us in our beautiful, sunlit studio and explore how yoga works for you!

TO REGISTER: Or for more information, please email Elizabeth at, or call 551-358-2269. For class schedules and other information, please visit

We look forward to seeing old and new friends soon!

All the best, Elizabeth and Madelyn

Friday, April 22, 2011




(JAMSNet東京メンバー:With Kids)(4/19)



開設日時  平成23年3月19日(土)4月中旬  5月中旬まで延長いたします。